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Students Get Involved

September 28, 2012

Hi everyone! This year has already gotten off to a busy start. Week One is over, the first month is down, and students are slowly getting used to being on campus after three months of summer break. A few weeks ago, St. Olaf held one of my favorite fall semester events—the co-curricular fair! St. Olaf has almost 200 different student organizations, and the co-curricular fair gives students a chance to explore all the exciting opportunities to get involved on campus. Some examples include the Defenders of Writeousness (a creative writing club), the Martial Arts Club, and, of course, the Quidditch Club. The fair is organized by type, so it’s easy to find the political, faith-based, or special interest group you’re looking for.

Students gather to listen to Selah, a musical faith based organization.

Students adding their names and emails to organization contact lists.

The best way to find a club is to walk around the fair and talk to the organization leaders. If students don’t see a club that interests them, they can easily create their own, so there’s something for everyone! Being a member of an organization is a great way to meet new people on campus and participate in events outside of the academic life.

Keep checking throughout the school year for more updates about student life and events on campus!


To the Class of 2016: You’re Here; Now It Begins

September 5, 2012

Welcome, Class of 2016! You moved in last Saturday, spent the first night in your college dorm room, met your adviser, and now know your work and class schedule. This is it: you’re officially an Ole.

“2016”: this number signifies your class year. It doesn’t only tell of the spring in which you’ll graduate; it follows you through your time on the Hill and after. 2016 will follow your name on any St. Olaf-related name badges, next to your name in Christmas Festival programs or athletic statistics, and to identify you on anything published on the website about a research project, independent study, or post-graduate opportunity. After you graduate in the spring of 2016, you’ll receive newsletters from the Alumni and Parent Relations office. You’ll join reunion and fundraising committees for your class. If you run into Oles in airports, at the gym, on the street, in another country — you’ll use your class year to tell if you were close in age to that Ole or even if you worked as a Student Assistant at their 50th Reunion.

You’re now permanently a part of this community. Right now, it’s Week One: you’ve met your roommate, your corridor-mates, and your JCs. You’ve attended the wonderfully awkward but necessary Playfair and Awkward Dance in Kildahl. You’ve arranged and re-arranged your room, and maybe even invited a few new friends to see it. Yesterday, you registered for your classes and now things seem a little more real. Throughout the getting-to-know-you activities and social time you’ve attended information sessions on majors and maybe received a student work assignment. As the initial post-Move-In-Day shock subsides, you realize: this is not summer camp; it is, in fact, college. However, you’ll find that as you progress through this week and the weeks, months, and years that follow, the circle of people you meet will expand, multiply, and change. You will find comfort and support in these fellow Oles, and in professors, and maybe even in your job supervisor. This is a place where people take care of each other. During the welcome ceremony this past Saturday, President Anderson referenced a sign that used to hang in Thorson Hall imploring residents to take care of themselves, take care of each other, and take care of this place. As an Ole alum and employee of the college, I have always loved that reminder. This is an incredibly special place for many; in Admissions, we are glad it’s our job to enroll class after class of Oles that value it like we do.

Below, a few of my photos from Move In Day: arguably our favorite day of the year.

Most of the Admissions staff before dispersing to the first-year residence halls

Lunch on the campus green, midday

Professors on their way to the Welcome Ceremony

Students and families in the packed Skoglund Fieldhouse

A family enjoying a few more minutes with their 2016er

– Maggie

Welcome to the Blog, Zoey Slater ’14!

August 31, 2012

Beginning this week, the Ole Admissions Blog welcomes a new contributor: Zoey Slater ’14, a current junior at St. Olaf. Zoey, an English and American Studies double major, hails from St. Cloud, Minnesota. She has worked in a variety of capacities in her two years at St. Olaf — including work in Admissions — and will provide valuable insight into the goings-on in the St. Olaf student community. Welcome, Zoey!

Zoey in her favorite classroom on campus.

About your time at St. Olaf…

Why did you decide to come to St. Olaf?
It’s sort of funny because originally, I wanted to go to a school farther away from Minnesota. Don’t get me wrong–I love Minnesota. But like most people who grow up here, I wanted to go to the coasts for college. But when I visited St. Olaf on Admitted Students days, I fell in love! During the overnight, I played Apples to Apples in Kildahl and talked with students about why they love St. Olaf. Getting that interaction helped me realize that St. Olaf was a great fit for me.

What’s the most memorable moment of your first year on the Hill?
Honestly, when I think back to my first year living in Hoyme, it’s not the big events that stand out as my favorite. My favorite times were spent in the Hoyme Lounge with friends. The lounge was awesome because we all spent hours there studying (sometimes wasting time on Facebook) or just hanging out. I know it sounds cheesy, but the community there was amazing!

What is one thing you didn’t bring with you when you moved to St. Olaf… and wished you would have?
I wish I would’ve brought better winter boots! My first year, I had a pair that did not stand up to winter on the Hill, and I had to buy a replacement pair halfway through!

What is one favorite study spot/chair/couch/floor/patch of grass on campus?
My favorite spot on campus is actually a classroom! There’s a classroom in the English department with high ceilings with exposed beams and artwork all over the walls. I love how old and traditional that room is.

In your opinion, what’s the best St. Olaf tradition?
I love Syttende Mai! If you just had to Google that, it’s ok. “Syttende Mai” means “17th of May” in Norwegian, and it’s a celebration of Norway’s constitution signing date. Since St. Olaf has a strong Norwegian heritage, they celebrate it every year with waffles, lingonberry sauce, Norwegian cheese, and ice-cream!

If you need a few hours off the Hill, what’s a favorite place in Northfield?
I love running, so anytime I get off the Hill I explore the old neighborhoods around town. There are some great victorian houses, and the neighborhoods are so peaceful that it’s a great escape from the bustle of St. Olaf. My favorite place off campus is actually a road that runs along the edges of Northfield through farmland. It’s beautiful out there, and reminds me of why I love going to school in Minnesota!

Where and how did you meet your best friend at St. Olaf?
I have a lot of great friends here at Olaf, and I’m really close with a lot of the people I met Freshman year. I remember when I met my Freshman year roommate, she gave me a huge hug and handed me a gigantic bucket of Martha’s Cookies (a Minnesota favorite). We’ve been friends ever since!

…And now for some fun facts:

If you’re feeling a little down, what YouTube video cheers you up?
Sometimes my friends and I will look through all the music videos from our favorite elementary and middle school pop songs. I love singing along, and the clothes are hilariously outdated. I recommend 3LW’s “No More”–It’s a classic from 2000.

What’s the most played song on your iPod?
According to iTunes, it’s Norah Jones’ “Shoot the Moon.” I love Norah Jones for anything–studying, packing, reading…pretty much any moment can be mellowed out with Norah Jones.

If you could conquer the world and be a leader, who would you choose as your second in command?
Probably a political science professor, since I have very little knowledge about running a country, let alone the world!

If you were stranded on a desert island, what celebrity would you want to be with?
Bear Grylls, that guy from Man vs. Wild. He knows everything about surviving in bizarre locations!

What’s a unique hobby of yours?
Once my Grandma made me memorize her pie crust recipe, so now I love making pies all the time.

Meet Your Summer Tour Guide: Johnna Purchase ’14

August 20, 2012

Meet Summer Tour Guide Johnna Purchase ’14, a rising junior from North Richland Hills, TX. For more information about Johnna and our other Summer Tour Guides, check out the Admissions page. Stay tuned for more profiles of our Student Tour Guides throughout the summer and school year!

Johnna Purchase, ’14, in her favorite spot on campus, a window seat in Rolvaag Memorial Library next to the English department.

About your time at St. Olaf…

Why did you decide to come to St. Olaf?
St. Olaf is the land of opportunity! Non-music and non-theatre majors like me can sing in the choir, take voice lessons, and act in department shows. Students can go to The Piper Center for Vocation and Career to plan summer internships, professors collaborate with students and advise independent research projects, and students want to teach each other. I love the spirit of inquiry that students share around campus. We live as a community of a learners wanting to live in a constant dialogue of analysis, synthesis, and creation.

What’s the most memorable moment of your first year on the Hill?
My first interim on the Hill was the infamous Great Conversation interim. While we did read a lot, I enjoyed camping out on a window seat in Buntrock Commons to read for a few hours and then playing in the snow with friends. We each had to give interpretive speeches and, for one of my friends’ reading of Cicero, we wrapped him up in a magenta sheet. I also directed and acted in a staged reading of Mary Zimmerman’s Metamorphoses as part of our study of Roman mythology. Interim was a great time to focus on just one class, but there was enough free time to hang out with friends and enjoy the snow!

What is one thing you didn’t bring with you when you moved to St. Olaf… and wished you would have?
Oddly, I didn’t bring a bathrobe, thinking it would be easier to walk around in my towel. But, in the winter it can be cold walking back from the showers to my room, so I recommend that everyone bring one to keep in the warmth of the shower for a few extra minutes.

What is one favorite study spot/chair/couch/floor/patch of grass on campus?
I love sitting in a windowseat outside of the English department. There’s a great view down Holland Hall hill, and lots of my peers and professors walk by so I get lots of impromptu, interesting study breaks.

In your opinion, what’s the best St. Olaf tradition?
The best St. Olaf tradition is the unlocked post office boxes! I love putting little notes, pieces of candy, funny comics, baked goods, and various other items in friends’ P.O.s. Sometimes, at the end of the semester, it’s fun to use up extra Cage dollars by purchasing cookies to leave in strangers’ P.O.s.

If you need a few hours off the Hill, what’s a favorite place in Northfield?
The Cannon River is a relaxing place to sit and think. When the weather gets warmer, my friends and I like to buy ice cream at Hogan Brothers or The Cocoa Bean and sit on the stone steps leading down to the water. We enjoy the chance to talk, and the ducks have fun eating the ends of our ice cream cones.

Where and how did you meet your best friend at St. Olaf?
I met my best friend at St. Olaf through Manitou, the first-year women’s choir. We were both officers for the choir, and we spent a lot of time together walking back to Ellingson Hall after rehearsal and meetings, designing the choir’s sweatshirts, and making cards for Christmas Fest. I realized we were going to be best friends when, the first night of Christmas Fest, we ran down the ice-covered hill to the auditorium in only our choir robes without coats or scarves after delivering Christmas cards to all of the other choirs, excitedly laughing at the upcoming program.

And now for some fun facts…

If you’re feeling a little down, what YouTube video cheers you up?
“Sounds of the Rainforest” is a really relaxing video that helps me to feel as though I am outside in the rain. It always calms me down and makes me feel rejuvenated.

What’s the most played song on your iPod?
“The Resistance” by Muse.

If you could conquer the world and be a leader, who would you choose as your second in command?
My younger sister, Jaynee, would be my second. She knows how to make me laugh, challenge my assumptions, and be creative. And, she’s going to be an Ole next year so we can go ahead and get a jump start on our plans for total world domination…or maybe just eat lunch on the quad.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what celebrity would you want to be with?
I would want to be with Sisse Brimberg, co-owner of KEENPRESS and regular photographer for National Geographic. Sisse specializes in the environment, climate issues, and international travel stories. With her knowledge, we’d be able to explore the island; Brimberg would photograph it, and I would write about it so that, once we were rescued, we could share the island with the world.

What’s a unique hobby of yours?
I practice yoga. There is a great yoga studio in downtown, Heartworks Yoga Studio, and instructors even come to campus to teach free classes! It is a great way to de-stress, refocus, and I can do it almost anywhere (although working on wheel pose in the middle of the quad can get you pretty dirty).

Counting Down to Move-In Day

August 14, 2012

Greetings! It has been a beautiful summer here at St. Olaf, and I’ve enjoyed some vacation time (and so has the blog). However, we’re ready to roll again. August in the Admissions world is all about anticipating the arrival of the new class to campus while simultaneously planning our fall travel. I’m always amazed by my colleagues’ ability to cover nearly every region throughout the fall; this year will be no exception.

On the Hill, we excitedly await the arrival of our Class of 2016. Housing assignments were sent a few weeks ago, and roommates have connected and have began the process of planning what to bring to campus. Hopefully you and your parents have seen the Destination: St. Olaf Class of 2016 page online, established by our friends in the Residence Life and Dean of Students Offices. There is a great checklist of what to keep in mind as you prepare for coming to the Hill; additionally, check out the schedule for Week One!

In preparation for 2016ers’ move to campus, our office has hosted multiple Send-Off events around the country. This weekend, we will host our last Send-Offs in Kansas City, St. Louis, New York, DC, and Iowa. From California, Texas, and Colorado to Oregon, Washington, Wisconsin, and Illinois, the earlier Send-Offs were a hit. Incoming students and their parents had a chance to mingle with current Oles and Ole parents, St. Olaf staff members, and alums. Below are a few photos from the events; check out the 2016 Facebook page for more.

The Wisconsin Send-Off in Madison

The Colorado Send-Off in Denver

The Oregon Send-Off in Portland

The Send-Offs have been a great way for some outside-Minnesota community to interact with the Ole community in their areas. It has been fun for us, and we look forward to the last set of them this weekend.

As you peruse the blog this fall, keep an eye out for more Tour Guide profiles, guest blogs from students and colleagues in Admissions, and updates and photos about goings-on on the Hill. We anticipate another great year of meeting students and families both here and wherever our travels take us!


Meet Your Summer Tour Guide: Katherine Barnes ’13

July 9, 2012

Meet Summer Tour Guide Katherine Barnes ’13, a rising senior from Culver, IN. For more a complete bio, check out the Admissions website. Be sure to check back soon to meet more of the Summer Tour Guides!

Katherine Barnes ’13, in the Dittmann Center stairwell (her favorite place on campus).

About your time at St. Olaf…

Why did you decide to come to St. Olaf?

I loved the community atmosphere and St. Olaf’s commitment to educating the whole person. When deciding on a school, I didn’t consider just academics, just social activities, or just organizational opportunities. My ideal college was one that not only respected the person I was during the college search process, but also would give me the tools to develop into the adult that would eventually graduate with a degree. St. Olaf was and is that school for me.

What’s the most memorable moment of your first year on the Hill?

In May of 2010, Iron Man 2 was released. There are so many reasons why this was a monumental event in my life, but most of that consists of comic legend and actually has very little to do with why this was the most memorable moment of my first year. I’d fallen in with my current group of friends around Interim (January) of that year, and the May excursion was the first event where I felt completely integrated into the group. It was not only a first for me, but our trip to see Iron Man 2 also sparked a tradition that is still alive and well heading into my senior year at Olaf. We didn’t just go see it on opening night; my friends and I all piled into three cars, trekked up to Lakeville, and watched Iron Man 2 on the biggest screen in the state, at midnight. We went out to Buffalo Wild Wings — affectionately referred to as Bdubs — before hand. I sat between my eventual two best friends here at Olaf, though I didn’t know it at the time. What I remember most about that night, is that it sparked something meaningful. Since Iron Man 2, the group of us has seen Thor, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, and most recently The Avengers. All at midnight.

What is one thing you didn’t bring with you when you moved to St. Olaf… and wished you would have?

I regret not investing in a foam mattress topper. It’s been three years and I’m finally going to remedy that situation.

What is one favorite study spot/chair/couch/floor/patch of grass on campus?

I’m a huge fan of the Pause. The chair on the right in the first row of couches and chairs…that’s my digs.

In your opinion, what’s the best St. Olaf tradition?

Friday Flowers; it’s the best. I love going to my PO Box on Fridays and seeing a flower from a friend. Actually the first flower I received was from a family I toured.

If you need a few hours off the Hill, what’s a favorite place in Northfield?

St. Dominic’s, a Catholic school down the road. I coach and volunteer there. The hours every week I get to spend in the sixth grade classroom and on the court coaching are some of the most rewarding moments in my week.

Where and how did you meet your best friend at St. Olaf?

Playing Super Smash Bros in Kildahl during Interim of first year.

And now for some fun facts…

If you’re feeling a little down, what YouTube video cheers you up?

I’m not a big YouTuber, but I love watching episodes of How I Met Your Mother on Netflix.

What’s the most played song on your iPod?

Let the Rain by Sara Bareilles and Butterflies and Hurricanes by Muse are tied at an alarmingly high number.

If you could conquer the world and be a leader, who would you choose as your second in command?

Mollie Link, one of my best friends here at Olaf and someone with whom I lead every day. She’s detail oriented and just awesome beyond compare.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what celebrity would you want to be with?

Wanda Sykes. She’d make me laugh the whole time. Plus, people would look for her.

What’s a unique hobby of yours?

I write an absurd amount of Grey’s Anatomy fan fiction.

Ole Entrepreneurial Spirit: JonnyPops

July 3, 2012

One idea + three flavors + four Oles = the invention of JonnyPops, this summer’s hit sweet treats. Whether here on the Hill, local farmer’s markets, or Lake Calhoun in Minneapolis, the homemade popsicles are becoming a widespread favorite during the hot summer months. They have been popular during our visit days thus far, and will be provided for visitors during our upcoming Summer Visit Days. Entrepreneurial spirit thrives at St. Olaf; the combination of creativity, community support, and engagement with the world outside the Hill provides endless opportunity.

JonnyPops were created and cultivated by Oles Kilian Wald ’14, Connor Wray ’14, Andrew Sather ’14 and Erik Brust ’14, who formed an investment club during their first year; an additional team member, Spencer Uttley, attends University of Wisconsin Madison. The product was established in memory of Jonathon “Jonny” Jeffrey, Brust’s cousin, who had collaborated with him for the original idea; Jeffrey died in 2010 from effects of a drug addiction. Now, a portion of JonnyPops’ profits benefit Hazelden in his memory.

To learn more about the process and the entrepreneurial creativity, click on the image below to watch a video and read the recent Star Tribune article.

If you ever doubted the value of liberal arts in relation to true entrepreneurial spirit, you’ll be proven wrong after a look at — and taste — of the JonnyPops story.

– Maggie

Meet Your Summer Tour Guide: Karl Turnlund ’12

June 27, 2012

Student Tour Guide Karl Turnlund ’12 just graduated from St. Olaf this May. He joined the student work staff this summer before beginning student teaching in the Twin Cities area this fall. For Karl’s complete bio, and to learn more about the other summer tour guides, check back to the Admissions website! Stay tuned as we feature the entire student staff throughout the summer.

Karl Turnlund ’12 at his favorite place on campus — in the back of Old Main

About your time at St. Olaf…

Why did you decide to come to St. Olaf?

There was a moment during my Admitted Student Day when I was sitting on the quad in an Adirondack chair enjoying the beautiful day, and suddenly I heard a choir rehearsing in Boe Chapel. There was something about the combination of that setting, the people, and all of the experiences I knew I could have here that made it clear that I wanted to make this Hill home for the next four years.

What’s the most memorable moment of your first year on the Hill?

I have a vivid memory of sitting around the backyard of Ellingson during Week One just talking about what we were excited about, what classes we wanted to take, and what we were nervous about. So many of those things ended up coming to fruition in different ways, and I’ve always looked back on that day as one where some of my closest friendship were solidified.

What is one thing you didn’t bring with you when you moved to St. Olaf… and wished you would have?

Baking supplies. Not only are cookies delicious, but spreading the love through baked goods is an excellent (and really fast) way to make a lot of friends!

What is one favorite study spot/chair/couch/floor/patch of grass on campus?

There’s a bench right behind Old Main where I’ve spent a lot of time reading, chatting, and studying. It’s on a less-traveled end of campus which affords a person some necessary alone time, and view down to Northfield from Old Main Hill is one that never gets old.

In your opinion, what’s the best St. Olaf tradition?

I really, really love Reunion Weekend. Though it happens once many Oles have left the Hill for Summer, seeing the Ole alumni community come together and relive their time here has helped me appreciate my time here even more. I’ve been lucky enough to have been on staff for the events, and the stories I’ve heard are incredible, and definitely makes me excited to continue participating in the St. Olaf community even though I’ve graduated.

If you need a few hours off the Hill, what’s a favorite place in Northfield?

I love Goodbye Blue Monday –it’s a coffee shop right on Division Street. It’s a place I’ve gone to study on weekends, hang out with friends, meet with professors and other community members, and enjoy some Mexican hot chocolate (which I highly recommend!) Check it out:

Where and how did you meet your best friend at St. Olaf?

One of my really good friends, Kaleb, and I were neighbors freshman year, but we actually didn’t meet until the first day of classes when we discovered that we had both Environmental Studies and our first course in the Great Conversation together. Experiencing both those classes, a number of shared study hours, and a number of hours of procrastinating by watching Kristen Wiig SNL sketches created a great friendship!

And now for some fun facts…

If you’re feeling a little down, what YouTube video cheers you up?

Without a doubt, this has gotten me through some rough times:

What’s the most played song on your iPod?

Currently, this one: Pearl and the Beard performed at St. Olaf not once, but TWICE last semester. Once with Ingrid Michaelson for our Spring Concert, and then a second time in their own feature performance celebrating the end of classes. Since hearing them once, I haven’t been able to get enough!

If you could conquer the world and be a leader, who would you choose as your second in command?

Associate Dean and Director of St. Olaf Residence Life, Pamela McDowell.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what celebrity would you want to be with?

Natalie Portman. Enough said.

What’s a unique hobby of yours?

My family and I raise ornamental chickens that we enter into poultry shows. It’s a little bit like showing purebred dogs, but in our case, it’s chickens! We get pretty serious about it too–my grandfather is licensed poultry judge, and we show chickens, ducks, and turkeys across the country!

Meet Your Summer Tour Guide: Tucker Moore ’15

June 22, 2012

The second installment of Meet Your Summer Tour Guide features Tucker Moore ’15, a rising sophomore from Minneapolis, MN. For a complete bio of Tucker and the other Summer Tour Guides, check out the Admissions page. Check back often this summer for more contributions from our summer student staff!

Tucker Moore ’15 in Rolvaag 515, his favorite spot on campus.

About your time at St. Olaf…

Why did you decide to come to St. Olaf?

I have always known that St. Olaf and I would be a good match. The big draw for me was the incredible music program. Being able to attend a school with so many fantastic musicians, and study with a faculty that works tirelessly to ensure students’ success is a privilege! I was assured of my decision to attend St. Olaf when the community immediately welcomed me into the fold. Being an Ole is awesome!

What’s the most memorable moment of your first year on the Hill?

In October of this year, King Harald V and Queen Sonja of Norway visited campus. I always knew St. Olaf had a very rich Norwegian heritage, but the King and Queen?! The St. Olaf Band played a regal fanfare as they processed to the front of Boe Memorial Chapel, and the St. Olaf Choir sang “Norge, Mitt Norge”; the whole experience made me feel part of a global community (and more Norwegian than I actually am). I have a weird fascination with royalty, so being able to attend the gathering in Boe Chapel and hear the King speak was a huge thrill. It made me very proud to be a Norwegian Ole.

What is one thing you didn’t bring with you when you moved to St. Olaf… and wished you would have?

Despite the rule against having four-legged friends in the dorms, I would have totally brought my dog, Lucy. She’s hilarious and snores a lot… it’s hard not to love a snoring dog. However, a French press coffee maker would have been great. Nothing beats a French press — such a smooth cup of coffee is perfect for cold Minnesotan winters!

What is one favorite study spot/chair/couch/floor/patch of grass on campus?

Rolvaag 515 (in the English Department) is my favorite study spot on campus. It’s such a beautiful room, and you can almost feel all the tradition in history within the walls. I always feel like putting on a tweed blazer and doing intellectual things when I’m in 515.

In your opinion, what’s the best St. Olaf tradition?

St. Olaf is full of traditions, but the aspect of Ole culture that stuck out to me the most during my first year was the Viking Chorus, the choir of around 80 first-year men. One of my favorite musical moments ever was singing the recently-discovered men’s choir arrangement of “O Day Full of Grace” for the St. Olaf Christmas Festival with Viking. I got chills every time. Dr. Aspaas, the conductor of the group, found the arrangement in the college archives and edited the piece for the 100th anniversary of Christmas Festival.

If you need a few hours off the Hill, what’s a favorite place in Northfield?

It’s a three-way tie. For coffee and/or food, Goodbye Blue Monday and The Hideaway are two staples. A walk around Carleton’s campus, especially on their labyrinth, is a great way to unwind after a stressful week.

Where and how did you meet your best friend at St. Olaf?

It’s tough to name one friend as “best”, but I met my friend Kristi Kroker ‘15 at the Awkward Dance during Week One festivities. Despite the fact that the “Awkward Dance” is appropriately named, Kristi and I immediately connected over the fact that we were both in show choir at our high schools, and probably competed against each other at one point or another. If you ever get a chance to hear her sing, take advantage of it; she’s incredible!

And now for some fun facts…

What’s the most played song on your iPod?

The first movement of Bach’s 3rd Brandenburg Concerto has been played over 5000 times on my iPod. It really gets me pumped up for the day. How can you NOT smile when you listen to that? I think I was born in the wrong century.

If you could conquer the world and be a leader, who would you choose as your second in command?

I would probably ask Hillary Clinton or Anderson Cooper. They simply have stellar histories in foreign affairs, and it would be really fun to get coffee and talk with them on a regular basis. If none of those options worked, I would choose Lauren Kalish ‘14, a fellow admissions ambassador. She and I would make sure the world and all its inhabitants had an outrageous amount of fun.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what celebrity would you want to be with?

Anne Hathaway. Hands down. After watching Princess Diaries as many times as I have, I know she and I would be really good friends — she just doesn’t know it yet.

What’s a unique hobby of yours?

I am an accomplished Loon-caller. I can frequently be seen on the shores of Lake Vermilion luring the Minnesota state bird to shore. Some call this unique gift obnoxious, but I call it a beautiful and intimate connection with nature unlike any other. This is not a joke.

Meet Your Summer Tour Guide: Lauren Kalish ’14

June 15, 2012

Introducing our weekly features of the Summer Tour Guides! We begin with Lauren Kalish ’14, a rising junior from Syracuse, NY. For a complete bio on Lauren, and our other Summer Tour Guides, check out the Admissions page. Additionally, over the next few months, Summer Tour Guides will also guest-blog about experiences they’ve had during their time at St. Olaf. Check back often! 

Lauren Kalish ’14 in her favorite place on campus.

About your time at St. Olaf…

What made you decide to come to St. Olaf?

I know that everyone probably says that the tour is what sold them, but for me that is definitely the case. I knew the size of the college was the perfect one for me: not big, not too small. I knew that I wanted to live in a community in which I felt safe and accepted. I also knew that I wanted the ability to try new things and forge my own path. Through my tour I learned that all of this was possible at St. Olaf. As cliche as it sounds, I knew I wanted to be an Ole when I arrived on campus.

What’s the most memorable moment of your first year on the Hill?

The night that the last Harry Potter movie (part one) came out happened to be the same night as the annual Thanksgiving Dinner in Stav Hall. I walked in to dinner that night and was suddenly in the Great Hall at Hogwarts. The tables were divided into the four houses, our president and his fellow colleagues were sitting at the Head Table in their robes, paper candles were strung across the balcony and looked like they were floating, the Harry Potter soundtrack was in the background, the lights were dimmed, and our Quidditch team was playing throughout the whole meal. Not only was the food great, but it was such a fun dinner and I really felt like I had stepped into Hogwarts.

What is one favorite study spot/chair/couch/floor/patch of grass on campus?

My favorite spot on campus is anywhere in an Adirondack chair. They are perfect for making phone calls, drinking coffee, reading a book, talking with a friend, or simply relaxing. While I prefer the reference room for studying, you need a break every once in awhile! Those chairs also symbolize that it has changed from Winter to Spring — a change that every Ole looks forward to!

In your opinion, what’s the best St. Olaf tradition?

My favorite St. Olaf tradition is randomly singing Um Ya Ya in the Caf. It doesn’t happen all the time, so when it does finally happen, it’s exciting! I get chills every time it happens because I feel an overwhelming feeling of pride. The Caf always has a large number of our student body present at one time, so when we sing Um Ya Ya it is powerful and makes you feel connected to every other student.

If you need a few hours off the Hill, what’s a favorite place in Northfield?

I really love the Kurry Kebab even though it isn’t right in downtown Northfield. It is a little farther out (by Target), but it is still a favorite place to go. There is a debate about Kurry Kebab vs. Chipati and which is better, but I am a big fan of Kurry Kebab. The food is great, not too expensive, and it’s the perfect restaurant for sharing food with friends.

Where and how did you meet your best friend at St. Olaf?

I met my best friend in my neighbor’s room freshman year. He had a really nice camera and was sitting in a chair –nothing special. I was wearing this gigantic pair of St. Olaf sweatpants and I was coming over to my friends room to show that I could put both legs in one pant leg, and this kid David was sitting there with his camera. We talked about photography and he took some funny pictures of me in these oversized pants. We met pretty randomly, but we got to know one another and he has been a best friend to me ever since.

And now for some fun facts…

If you’re feeling a little down, what YouTube video cheers you up?

I am a big fan of the music video for “Call Your Girlfriend” by Robyn. This song not only pumps me up, but I can not help but dance when it comes on!

What’s the most played song on your iPod?

I love falling asleep while listening to music, and Bon Iver is one of my favorite artists to fall asleep to. I think his song “Roslyn” must be the most played.

If you could conquer the world and be a leader, who would you choose as your second in command?

My second in command? I would choose Katniss Everdeen. That girl is awesome and can do pretty much anything. I could totally conquer the world with the Mocking Jay by my side. (If you’ve never read The Hunger Games books–read them! This answer will make sense after reading.)

If you were stranded on a desert island, what celebrity would you want to be with?

I am setting myself up to be embarrassed by this answer, but I would choose Zac Efron. He could sing to me, play basketball with me and make everything into a musical. His many talents could keep things interesting when things get boring on the island.

What’s a unique hobby of yours?

One thing that I am most proud of is my unique ability to reenact the dance in Robyn’s “Call Your Girlfriend” music video. This video not only cheers me up but is a great piece of choreography. I’ve watched it countless times and will dance to it at any time, anywhere.

As the Class of 2016 prepares to move to campus — and prospective students consider every part of the college process — Move-In Day is highly anticipated. What is one thing you didn’t bring with you when you moved to St. Olaf… and wished you would have?

This might sound weird — but a drying rack is something I wish I had from the get-go. I had to go buy one about a month after being here. Now I use it every time I do laundry. It’s better for your clothes and better for the environment!